jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

Remembering Hobbies

About my Hobby...

The last summer I used to do slackline ,
because I had a lot of free time in my holidays  I started to do it because one day I went to a Sports Center with the purpose to do some sport . So I meet Juan Pablo that was my teacher of slackline , slackline is about balance you need to keep always a good posture and your view on the horizon while you are walking or balancing along a suspended length of flat webbing that is tensioned between two anchors. In this hobby you need to be really focus because when you are a beginner you lose the balance easily.

What I really enjoyed doing slackline was that it has a lot of benefits for your body and for your mind, for example helps you to
get a better straightening the spine and you could do it literally anywhere , preferably outdoor . I hope return in my winter holidays or in summer to do this hobby I remember that in something like two weeks I achieved advance very much indeed.

3 comentarios:

  1. wow that is amazing, you are first person that i meet who practice slackline, I didn't even know how that sport was called

  2. Wow, I want to do it!! You need a lot of concentration I think, I want to practice it now haha.
    Hope that you can return to do it too

  3. I think is really cool, i always think that is so difficult



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