viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020


La historia de esta casa y sus habitantes se desarrolla en un lugar ubicado al centro interior de Chile, según el mapuche, natural de esta zona del Valle del Cachapoal, este es el pueblo de brujos del cual surge el topónimo Machalí (Machili). El terreno se ubica hacia el final de un pasaje de nombre Sausalito con el número 145.

Luego de algo así como 30 años de abandono, y de brindar refugio a habitantes esporádicos (un intento de toma del terreno y luego la concesión temporal a un club de adultos mayores) el año 2017 la nieta del propietario original  y madre de esta humilde narrador@ decide establecerse en el dominio antes mencionado.

En la casa dado el contexto de pandemia global que afecta a la humanidad actualmente viven 3 personas; una madre y dos hijes, sin embargo cada semana se reciben visitas que se animan a pernoctar en la morada ya sea 1 o mas veces por semana y asímismo , 1 o mas visitas (Abuela u otres hermanes) .

Semana del 29 de Septiembre del 2020 al 02 de Octubre del 2020

Comienzo a tomar registro rutinario a partir del 1 de Octubre, al no existir costumbre de llevar registro muchas veces lo olvido y termino por anotar  sólo algunas actividades del día 

Octubre, 1ro

8.16 am Recuerdo no abrir los 👀 , pero haber despertado. Lo que 👂:

-Pisadas de 👢 de mamá sobre la cerámica y sobre piso flotante, se está yendo al trabajo 
-Un camión pasa por la calle, mi ventana enfrenta la calle Sausalito por donde circulan 👥 y motores
-Agustín estornuda, parece que despertó
-🐓🐔 cantan
-Mamá habla con Agustín en el dormitorio de él
-Mamá se va al trabajo, suena la 🚪 y la reja
- En la casa vecina se oye un carro de arrastre, suena como los del supermercado
-Abro los 👀 desbloqueo el celular, comienzo a tomar nota de lo oído y lo por oír
-Ruido de 🔨 sobre metales
-Acarreo de carrito 
-Botellas siendo aplastadas

8.22 am 
-Suena un 🚚 alejarse
8.30 am
-Un 🐩 ladra a lo lejos
-Se oye el microondas en la cocina 
-Un hombre afuera habla, no entiendo lo que dice

9.00 am 
-Ponerse en pie e ir por el desayuno
9.06 am
-Desayuno sentada en la cocina
9.12 am
-La ventana de la cocina colinda con el medianero vecino, se oye un chileno y un haitiano hablar 🔊
de fondo crujen botellas y el sonido de un motor es constante

9.14 am
-Tomo el 📱 y grabo el sonido unos minutos desde la ventana
9.19 am 
-Me voy al comedor y enciendo el computador traje mi ☕
9.29 am
-Pongo el programa de 📻 en el computador

14.15 pm
-Voy a la cocina a calentar 🍛🍝 y poner la mesa

14.25 pm
-💬 con Agustín mientras comemos

14.45 pm
-Lavé mi plato y voy a lavarme los 👄

15.00 pm
-Sentada en el comedor en el mismo puesto que durante la mañana retomo la sesión de trabajo online

16.32 pm
-Pienso en que he hablado sólo con el Agustín en lo que va del día

16.35 pm
-Agustín toca la 🎸 en su pieza, parece que está en clase online
-Una ventana del comedor está abierta, suenan botellas siendo aplastadas, entra el sonido de la radio 💗

18.20 pm
-Dejan de oírse botellas crujir, parece que acabó la jornada laboral. Hay más 🔇
 18.28 pm
-Me preparo para ir al supermercado en 🚴, me pongo 😷

19.07 pm 
-Llegué del supermercado, sólo me lavé bien las 👐 al llegar a 🏡

20.15 pm
-La estufa está encendida, tomamos ☕🍞 en el comedor con Mamá y Agu

22.00 pm
-Trabajo en el computador desde mi cama

22.30 pm 
-Llegó mi hermano Joaquín de visita, me 🎁 un pote de sal con ciboulette que trajo, luego va hacia el dormitorio de Mamá

Octubre, 2

1.08 am
-Apago el computador y me voy a dormir, programo la ⏰ se sienten 🐕🐩 a lo lejos 

7.02 am
-Siento las 🐾 de mamá en el pasillo, abro los 👀 y enciendo el computador
8.20 am
-Mamá salió de 🏡

8.27 am 
-Llegan los primeros rayos de 🌞, se sienten crujir las primeras botellas plásticas de la jornada.

OBS: olvido seguir anotando durante el día o cuando lo recuerdo comienzo a hacer otra actividad

23.59 pm

-Estoy frente al computador finalizando 📑✏⌚
de la semana 1.

lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2018

How to Go Green

Image result for pandasI think that I know a lot of saving our planet , recently I made a test about how to be a person with a green lifestyle ,but I noticed that there's many information that i didn't know about reduce expenditure of energy and water . I believe that is very unfair the situation of the global warming because many of the responsibilities of the actual condition are the big industry and they don't commit with a real change , when they are the most unconscious , in this point I'm talking of meat industry and the countries of the first world. For example the U.S. are one of the countries with the biggest carbon footprint and they decide don't sign in the Paris agreement .They don't going to change many of the behaviors that harm the planet.

When I did the quiz I knew that the best choice when you go to the supermarket is carry reusable bag or if you buy a car maybe this will be electric , other interesting thing is that the excrement of panda can be used for do paper.

I hope that each person change a small aspect of their lives for save our planet , for example use the bicycle , be vegetarian or vegan and maybe don’t be so consumerist because that it’s a characteristic of Chileans and has a direct impact on the production of greenhouse gases in factories and the warming as we talk

domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2018

English Laguage Challenges

Image result for people talking
My experience learning English in University has been very well, I've discovered very different and dynamic way for learn a foreign language. You have the opportunity to explain with your own words something that you’re interested or something that happened to you when you have to do post in your blog, I always know better my classmates reading their blogs and  you can do it using a mid-formal language.

The aspects that I have to improve of my English are pronunciation, and dialogue because I often forgot some words so I have to say in Spanish or Spanglish or ask to somebody how to say something in specific. I really need to talk more with anybody in English but in Chile most of the people feel ashamed of talk because in general we have very bad pronunciation , I thought , for example star to see movies in Spanish with subtitles in English or read books of urbanism and architecture in English too.

Out of English class I use English when I have to go to a subject that I took this semester that is named Interventions in public space .We have to talk in English all the time, I have a teacher, Anthony, and he’s Australian, and Beatriz who is my teacher too and she’s Chilean but , talks English too. The other opportunity where I use English is when I sing songs or when I practice with my sister but it doesn’t happen very frequently. Soon I hope to travel to Washington and have the opportunity of develop more my English abilities.

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Personal Opinion

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What I think of immigrants:
The immigration always has been a phenomenon with benefits and inconveniences. In Chile the last years we have been seen that a lot of population see in our country the opportunity for work here, have political stability or improve their quality of live. In my case I’m very happy with the idea of share with people of another country because they show other perspectives of life and they are always open to talk with you in a very friendly way.

The legalization of abortion:

If you ask me for example what I think about the legalization of abortion in the 3 cases I will answer that is extremely necessary in not only in 3 must be legal for any reason that's because you don’t imagine the number of women that  aren´t able to bring a new human being to the world because it implies a lot of dedication, economic and emotional. Above all the real feeling of wanting to have a son is the main reason to ensure the wellness of that baby and if you from the beginning don´t want it has no sense bring him to this world.

My opinion of recycling:

I think that is one of the options for taking care of our planet, maybe is the easy way to introduce you to the discussion of the climate change. I have to say that our planet need people committed and with the enthusiasm for change their habits and lifestyle. In our country the actions for make aware the population in this topic are very paltry but if all do a bit effort with small actions we will get a lot of benefits in our immediate environment and in ourselves.

My opinion about Chilean politicians:

Is very difficult vote for someone with great ideas for the citizens  but with little support  of the other sides of the politics , for example the right side . There's two politician that are very important for me and coincidentially are very young . One is deputy Gabriel Boric, he participated in the movilization for the free education in 2011 and very young start to be a relevant figure in the autonomist movement . I'm very satisfied with the projects proposal that he process in the congress , reduction of parliamentary diet , fight centralism  and for other way he make constantly citizen consultations.The other politician that I admire is Jorge Sharp , the current mayor of Valparaiso its management and work has been so good that people chooses him again  .This two figures it is worth to mentioning because we know all about corrupt politicians but what we have to do is talk about the good ones and motivate people to vote for ploticians with a real commitment with the society

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Have I had a good year so far ?

This year one of the best things that I have learned is to be more well-being, that helps me to accept that sometimes things are going bad but all the people that loves you always going to be there for you , even if you made mistakes.

The goodest thing that have happened to me this year was approached more deeply to my friend Sebastián and has been really interesting know each other , spent time together and travel to Valparaiso  , he’s amazing .
This year has been specially hard for me, largely because we spent around of 2 months in stroke, so when we back to class the semester turns a huge avalanche of tasks. I remember that I was really stressed. Fortunately I didn't reproached any subject . This year I have learn to develop skills to work in groups ,at the begining everything was discussions and bad grades but slowly I have been learning how to say things when I don’t agree and now I think that work in groups is really good because two minds thinks better than one.

I didn´t  save money this year and that was very bad because maybe I will not be able to go out for holidays , but there’s still some time to do it and have fun in the beach.Finally I want to highlight that I’m very happy of be healthy and have all the people that I love  supporting me , I’m very thankfull with all .

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

The main reason to continue studying something related with architecture is the possibility to do it abroad. I really want to live and study in another continent, I've never been out of Chile and maybe this will be the opportunity to do it.
I always saw myself studying in France, how my classmates will be, I know that France it´s a place with a very rich culture and many architectural icons.

 Other place that I would like to study is the UK because I think that is a very nice country , many people said to me that are many activities to do there .All the architecture is very old even more old than Chile (discovered in the age of 1500approximately) , think for example in the first university that was founded in UK , you can compare the both facts , they had similar age  .
I'm interested in Sustainable projects and ecology landscape.These are very important topics for me .In order to develop projects now and forward them .We need to reconcile with our planet earth and make the architecture a discipline aware.

Architects need change the unsustainable way what people are living today .I think study this in a blended system , including technology and activities  out of the classroom .

During the time that my postgraduate program  lasts I want to know the main sustainable cities in Europe and make all this trips across the countries in bycicle . 

Image result for cicloturismo

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018

My holidays in Puerto Octay , Osorno , Chile

My very best holidays was in the summer of 2007 , I was 8 years old and I went there in January with my brothers Bárbara and Joaquin , and my father. We went there to a location named Centinela , this is near to Llanquihue's lake . The great part of this story is that we went to camping , and that was my first experience , it happened all! I have to say it . First , if you don't know in the south of Chile rains almost 300 days at year so when we were there in the 3rd day more or less started to rain , it doesn´t stop until the 5th day , in those days we stayed in the tent telling stories , jokes , singing , and how all the brothers sometimes we fought hahaha  . Other things that we do staying there were fishing , sometimes in the nights go to see the sky near to the lake and contemplate a lot of stars , one of that days we saw a comet . We took a lot of pictures and we got to home a copihue for plant in our house . I always talk of these holidays because I really enjoyed them and have been on Llanquihue's Lake was an amazing  experience that I've never going to forget , I hope someday go back there and see how much has changed that beautiful place... 

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

My favorite subject

I would like travel to...

There's a lot of places that I want to visit before I die, one of that is Washington D.C. .The principipal reason is because my brother Vicente lives there and I really want to visit him .This city has a lot of historical and iconic places , the white house for example and there's a super fabulous thing that I want to know is the arts district and the Washington memorial too , this place in special because a scene from the movie Forrest Gump shows it  and since I saw I always thing and be there someday seeing this huge obelisk and that beautiful water mirror .

DCmontage2.jpgI feel that Washington D.C. has been so important for all the decissions of the world and even for the occidental culture.
I imagine that in the streets I would learn a lot of architecture and even more going to all the museums and historical places right there , hope better soon share with my brother and travel for other places near too for example New York .


La historia de esta casa y sus habitantes se desarrolla en un lugar ubicado al centro interior de Chile, según el mapuche, natural de esta z...